What is Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) ?

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)  represents a different way of thinking in writing software

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) introduces a distinctive approach to software development that enhances readability, maintainability, and reusability. The expressive nature of OOP simplifies the creation of high-quality software components, making it more efficient to deliver projects on time.

The object-oriented approach uses objects to represent abstract or concrete entities in the real world, easing communication between programmers and business analysts. This common language bridges the gap between technical and non-technical stakeholders, enhancing understanding and collaboration in the development process.

These objects in Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) are unique variables distinguished by their specific characteristics and behaviors. These characteristics define the state of an object, encompassing its inherent character and properties, reflected in its internal structure and attributes. The behavior of these objects is articulated through methods, serving as representations of the actions executed by an object—essentially encapsulating their functionalities. In summary, the distinctive attributes and methods of objects in OOP collectively shape their identity and functionality within a software system.

In simpler terms, in Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), objects are like characters with unique traits. The things they can do are called “methods,” which are like their special skills or actions. Together, these traits and actions shape what the object is and how it works in a computer program.

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