What is Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) ?

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)  represents a different way of thinking in writing software Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) introduces a distinctive approach to software development that enhances readability, maintainability, and reusability. The expressive nature of OOP simplifies the creation of high-quality software components,…

What is SAP and what does it do ?

SAP develops ERP systems and other business solutions to simplify the complexity of business operation Students frequently experience confusion when first encountering the terms SAP, SAP ERP, and SAP SE in their careers. This confusion often begins during online searches,…

What is functional programming?

Functional programming is a coding approach that creates programs by combining mathematical functions and steers clear of using shared state and mutable data. One of the pioneers in supporting this methodology was Lisp, which was outlined in 1958 and drew…

What are JavaScript events?

On a web page, things are arranged in order, everything on the page has some information and things it can do. Some of these things can also react when something happens – like when you click a button or move…


RICEFW and WRICEF are same with slightly different acronym RICEFW represents a set of custom software development objects (mentioned below) aimed at addressing specific client requirements not met by the standard features provided by SAP, (a popular ERP software provider).…

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript, sometimes known as “what is JavaScript,” is a popular and adaptable programming language that is largely used to develop dynamic and interactive website content. It is a foundational technology for developing online applications, and “what is JavaScript” may be…

What is a javascript library?

To simplify routine tasks and increase the functionality of their web applications, developers can use JavaScript libraries, which are collections of pre-written JavaScript code and functions. These libraries are usually created to solve specific problems or provide reusable solutions to…

How to debug Reactjs?

Common ways to debug Reactjs Like any other JavaScript framework, how to debug reactjs and fixing problems in your code is a important thing. Here are some common debugging techniques for ReactJS: Use Console.log: The simplest way to debug is…

What is reactjs used for?

ReactJS use is widespread web development community ReactJS, commonly referred to as React, is a JavaScript library used for creating user interfaces (UIs) in web applications. ReactJS use is widespread, with development and maintenance by Facebook, along with contributions from…

What exactly is ReactJS ?

ReactJS is an open-source JavaScript library ReactJS, sometimes known as React, is an open-source JavaScript package used to create UI elements and user interfaces for online applications. Facebook created it and is commonly used to design interactive and dynamic web…