How to debug Reactjs?

Common ways to debug Reactjs

Like any other JavaScript framework, how to debug reactjs and fixing problems in your code is a important thing. Here are some common debugging techniques for ReactJS:

Use Console.log: The simplest way to debug is to use the console.log() statement. Insert these statements at different points in your code to print variable values, component state, or function output. This helps you understand what is happening at different stages of your application.

console.log("Variable Value: ", variable);

React DevTools: React provides a browser extension called React DevTools. This allows you to inspect the component hierarchy, view props and state, and even modify them on the fly. You can download and install it for your favorite browser.

React Error Messages: Provides descriptive error messages in the React console, making it easier to locate the issue. Read these messages carefully to understand what went wrong and which component is causing the problem.

React Strict Mode: Enable React’s Strict Mode by wrapping your app with <React.StrictMode>. This helps identify potential issues early in development.

import React from 'react';

    <App />

Breakpoints in DevTools: You can set breakpoints directly in your browser’s developer tools. It allows you to stop the execution of your code at specific points, inspect variables, and step through the code line by line.

Response Error Boundaries: Enforce error bounds in your components to handle errors gracefully without crashing the entire application. This way, you can catch and log errors that occur in a specific component.

class ErrorBoundary extends React.Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = { hasError: false };

  componentDidCatch(error, errorInfo) {
    this.setState({ hasError: true });
    // Log the error
    console.error(error, errorInfo);

  render() {
    if (this.state.hasError) {
      // Render fallback UI
      return <div>Something went wrong.</div>;
    return this.props.children;

// Wrap components with the error boundary
  <MyComponent />

Check the React Dev Server Console: If you’re using Create React App or a similar setup, check the console where you started the development server for any error messages or warnings .

Code Review: Sometimes, a fresh pair of eyes can catch bugs you’ve overlooked. Ask a coworker or use a code review tool for help identifying problems.

Use ESLint and Prettier: These tools can catch code style issues and potential errors as you write code, reducing the chance of bugs occurring.

Redux DevTools (if using Redux): If you’re using Redux for state management, Redux DevTools provides a useful interface to inspect and debug your Redux store. .

Remember that debugging can be a systematic process. Start with the error message or unexpected behavior, narrow it down to the component or function that is causing the problem, and then use these techniques to find and fix the problem.

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